Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How To Assemble The Personal Computer Steps

How to assemble the own personal computer that is the main problem so today we discuss the steps for this issue that is the place where is you now the knowledge for the computer assembling steps:

Installing the Motherboard


Every component is in place and clean and also a big enough place.

First we will be installing the motherboard which is a piece of cake to install.

  1. Open the side doors of the cabinet
  2. Lay the cabinet on its side 
  3. Put the motherboard in place
  4. Drive in all the screws


Installing the CPU

CPU is the main part of the computer or it is heart of computer so make sure do not drop it or mishandle it. 
  1. Lift the CPU Lever on the motherboard
  2. Place the CPU Properly on the motherboard
  3. Pull down the lever to secure the CPU in Place

Warning: Do not try to push the CPU into the motherboard!

Installing the heat sink

When we installed the processor we proceed to installing the heat sink. 
  1. Place the heat sink on the processor
  2. Put the jacks in place
  3. Secure the heat sink with the lever
After this you will need to connect the cable of the heat sink on the motherboard. Again look into the motherboard manual on where to connect it and then connect it to the right port to get your heat sink in operational mode.

Installing the RAMinstallingram.gif

RAM installing is an easy job. Now a days the New RAMs are DDR RAMs which is so easy to installed. You have to worry about placing which side where into the slot. The older ones, SDRAMs are plagued by this problem.
  1. Push down the RAM into the socket.
  2. Ensure the both Clips hold the RAM properly.

Installing the power supplypsu1.jpg

Now we will installed the power supply as the components

  • Place the PSU into the cabinet
  • Put the screws in place tightly

Installing the Harddisk 

  1. Place the hard disk and Secure the drive with screws
  2. Connect the power cable from PSU
  3. Connect the data cable from motherboard into the disk

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