BIOS Setup is entered during the booting-up of the system. When booting start you press the correct key on the keyboard each manufacturer uses a different key (F1, F2, F8, F9, Alt, Ctrl etc). During boot up, the BIOS entrance page will flash on the screen for a second or two. You may have to boot up once or twice just to have enough time to look around that page and see which key they want you to use to enter BIOS.
There are several approaches to BIOS settings. For the purpose of this configuration, only use default settings when possible. In default settings automatically without the need to attend to individual settings. You can use your mouse or keyboard for selections, using the Enter, Escape and also arrow keys and if you use Help Alt+H.
You make sure that:
- The date and time are correct.
- The Floppy Disk Drive is set to 1.44MB, 3.5 inches.
- Video is set to VGA/EGA.
- In HALT select ON to stop the PC from repeatedly rebooting.
- Set IDE for Auto-Detection. IDE will either be on the setup menu or on its own menu.(Only some BIOS have this.) Perform an IDE Auto-Detection now.